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Gift ideas that have healing power even for you, the giver!

In a decorated flower pot, plant gilded branches, glue heart-shaped leaves on them. Write your specific "thank you-s" to that person on each leaf. Expressing appreciation often shifts the mind towards positive thinking. 

"Thank you tree"

In a lovely note book (which you can also make or decorate), devote one page to each special "thank you" note to the other person you are giving it to.

"Thank you book"

Picture frame with own poem

There are million ways to decorate a picture frame. Add your own poetry in it, and you'll draw tears from the eyes. It's a great emotional discharge for you as well.

Create a fun family picture wall art, and add some of your own photos about the person or family you are preparing it for. Cherishing nice moments heals the heart.

Family photo wall art with your own photos

Home-made board game with question cards

Creating question cards that are educational is lots of brain work, great exercise for the brain. Personalizing it with figurines and other items to play the game is fun and engaging to think of.

The power of hand-made or hand-decorated gifts are amazing for both the giver and the receiver. Think about all the energy and love that go into it! The brain work, exciting ideas that make it lovelier. Feeling of the uniqueness of giving something so original and only in the world. It helps you to be in the present more, it helps you to appreciate more and see more into details. By creating, composing and photographing you are improving numerous skills of yours, you are learning about yourself, as well as the other, you are filtering it through your own feelings doing an emotional and mental cleanse.

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