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Did you know.......?

On this page, you'll find very interesting facts regarding wellness. There is a huge amount of information out there. It's quite overwhelming to learn which one is valid, and which one is not. To find the answers to your questions - as you read on below -, tailored to your unique personality, body type and responses to everything that comes in touch with you, schedule your initial FREE phone session with me as soon as possible!

....your stomach lining changes in about 5-6 days, and it's a completely new tissue? Other organs and parts of the body change as well in different amount of time. Cells die, and new cells are born. Your new cells are made of what you eat and absorb.

.....not all food will affect you the same way! For example, not all strawberries will nourish you the same way. The food's nutrient content  and affect on the body depend on many various factors, like at what stage of ripeness was it picked, organic or not, with what other foods do you combine it with, at what hour of the day you are eating it, in what circumstances are you eating it, at what health condition you are having it, just to name a few. See the specific guidelines to your well-being, and call for your first FREE phone session.

....foods can influence your mood? Also, your mood can influence the decision regarding what food choices you make!

....they say you are what you eat, but it's rather actually you are what you absorb and utilize! Many people consume enough Calcium-laden foods, for example, but if they don't eat other foods that have nutrients aiding in the Calcium's absorption, the calcium will deposit in unwanted tissues!

....there are right and wrong ways to drink water in terms of enhancing your overall health.

....not all bottled water are safe and good for your health. Having it stored in a plastic bottle is another health-related issue posed.

....genes contribute in a much less percentage to your health than the circumstances and life style you are living in. Yes, you can take your health into your hands, and in weeks, see amazing improvements! Call me, your first session is FREE!

....certain diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more that once was believed they can't be reversed, now a big body of scientific evidence is out there that shows us otherwise! need to be very aware of vitamin and mineral supplements that come in bottles. It's been taught that they provide great aid in maintaining health, while in numerous clinical studies it turned out to be not true for especially synthetic and fat-soluble vitamins. In fact, often they can even harm your health. Do you need help with finding enjoyable and safer ways to increase your vitamin- and mineral-intake? See me on your first session for FREE of charge.

....loosing weight fast is never a healthy choice! The body and the mind got used to living with that overweight body for a longer period of time. Everything inside the system needs to adjust to the weight change.

....what is healthy for you and what is not, depends on countless things, such as your ancestry, blood type, childhood memories, activity level, attitude towards health and food, what climate you live on, and so on. Do not take upon anyone's diet and life style just because it worked for him or her! Everyone is unique, so everything in life affect everyone in a unique was, too. Find out more regarding your well-being by calling me for your initial FREE phone session. much water you should drink a day is a unique situation to consider. Once again, it has to do with many factors, such as your weight, activity level, health condition, gender, climate you live on, what foods you eat, etc. It simply can not be true for everyone that drink 8 glasses of water each day, and that's it! matter where you are, what you are doing and what you think you are, you can enhance your overall health touching upon on different areas of wellness. If you would like to know how, give me a call for your FREE initial session.

....making meals in your own kitchen might seems to be a bit overwhelming and difficult, but an absolute must if you are serious about becoming a healthier person. To learn to prepare health-supporting meals that are simple and quite fast, give me a call for your FREE first phone session.

....feeling empowered and in control over your health is a very uplifting way of living life. Your health is in your hands, and that includes everything you have been doing up till now with it! If you are interested to find out how you can positively influence your wellness, schedule a FREE first appointment with me.

.....preparing farm-raised animal meat is absolutely not the same in terms of its nutrient value like the wild-caught and/or grass-fed counterparts. Same is true for eggs.

....unfortunately, lots of labels on food boxes, cans and wrappers are deceiving. By learning how to read food labels, you can save yourself from countless headaches, and of course, health issues! By scheduling your shopping session or FREE first phone session with me, you get the education on this area you need.

....habits are formed through out months, years, even decades. This doesn't mean they can not be changed! Every habit can be broken and transform into a more productive and beneficial habit! find the healthy weight for you is a complicated process, and more importantly, very individual! No one's diet can work 100 % for anyone else, because each one of us is bringing different experiences, preferences, thoughts, fears, expectations, etc. to the table. Holistic health counseling - by taking very detailed health histories, and combining knowledge from numerous areas of nutrition and mind-body medicine  - will be more likely to guide you to your goal.

....many physical bodily symptoms are due to a psychological reason, and doctors often do not find any ailment that would indicate those symptoms to appear. Emotional disturbances have a great power to generate physical disease. Don't allow this take you in an unwanted direction in your life.

....cleansing and fasting are crucial part of a life style when you want to stay well and enjoy a more active life into your senior years. There are many ways  and kinds to them, and it should be individualized. Should you wish to learn in details about the cleansing your body would benefit from, schedule your first, FREE appointment with me.

....even if you receive a medical treatment, a surgery, or complete your regimen of pills, if you continue your life style that brought you to that health condition, the disease or condition will return sooner or later. In order to maintain/re-capture health, it is crucial to adopt a life style that supports well-being in all areas of health. To see how this could be applied to your situation specifically, schedule your  FREE first phone session with me!

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